
LABC Warranty New Homes Survey Resource Hub

Thank you for using the New Homes Survey!

On this page you will find a range of resources to help builders and developers gather valuable feedback from your customers via the LABC Warranty New Homes Survey.

Are you a homeowner looking for the survey?

Please refer to your email or letter from us.


Trouble sharing survey data with us?

Follow the instructions below to share survey data with LABC Warranty:

  1. Collect home buyer data for legal completions within the calendar month – ensure it is compliant with all applicable data protection laws.
  2. Use the pro-forma Excel spreadsheet shared in your welcome email to prepare the data in the format we require. Please only complete the fields indicated.
  3. Password protect the spreadsheet and email the password to: newhomessurvey@labcwarranty.co.uk
  4. Next, email your completed spreadsheet to newhomessurvey@labcwarranty.co.uk by the 10th day of the following calendar month.
  5. We will upload your data and process the surveys on your behalf, and data will become available in your survey dashboard as surveys are completed.

Download a pdf copy of this guidance