We provide the answers to our frequently asked questions about registering with LABC Warranty.
If you are a builder/developer working on new homes, social homes or private rental properties you will need to register with us. Our registration process is straight forward and our team will be able to support you if required.
You don’t need to register if you are a self-builder unless you have appointed a builder in which case they will be required to sign an indemnity in respect of their responsibilities under the Builder Liability Period which applies for the first 12 months of the Period of Insurance.
For more information visit the registration section of our website.
You will be sent a pack of documents to read and sign where appropriate to allow us to complete your application.
The documents will include:
• Rules of registration - This document outlines the rules developers and builders must follow during their registration with LABC Warranty.
Depending on the criteria of our registration process, your pack will also contain some of the following documents:
• Company Indemnity Agreement (CIA) - this confirms the developer and/or builder involved in a development agrees to rectify any defects that occur during the Defects Insurance Period of their policy.
• Associate Company Indemnity Agreement (ACIA) - this confirms that should the developer and/or builder be unable to carry out remedial work, the Associate Company will undertake these responsibilities during the Defects Insurance Period. This document must be signed by both parties.
• Self-builder indemnity agreement (SBIA) - this confirms that the builder involved in a self-build project agrees to rectify any defects that occur during the Builder Liability Period of the policy.
The first time Developer / Builder 12 month registration fee: £750
The renewal registration fee is tiered thereafter, dependent on the number units registered with LABC Warranty during the previous 12 month period as follows:
1-50 units registered: £500
51 units or more registered: £950
You must maintain your registration for the duration of your build project and the Defects Insurance Period (if applicable to this policy).
We are able to accept payment over the phone on our dedicated phone line 0151 647 2454.
We also accept cheques and online bank transfers.
Please ensure that you quote your reference number when making a payment.
We will notify you in writing before your renewal is due.
Registration must be maintained throughout your period of liability (i.e. the build period and defects insurance period) and failure to do so could affect your rating and mean we may not release any Certification on the developments you are building. Please note your registration fee is non-refundable.
Please visit go to the client registration section of our website for more information.
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MD Insurance Services Ltd. is the scheme administrator for LABC Warranty and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England No: 3642459 | Website by Fuelius.